Depending on which vehicles you choose, the time you spend different. If you travel by plane only takes 50 minutes, from 6 to 8 hours by bus, and about 10 hours by motorbike. 


Nowaday, types of limousine to Da Lat:

– Cabin bus to Da Lat: As the most modern bus in the transportation sector, usually about 20-22 cabins each one, depending on the number of cabins that company have additional toilet or not. The interior is added beside the basic utilities as blankets, water, wifi connection, the company has added more gadgets extremely luxurious other such as  separately massage systems, with LCD screen separately and the headphone jack 3.5mm, …. Each cabin has separate curtains, create private space for passengers. Particularly with large size customers who can lie extension. Spacious certainly provides extremely comfort for passengers. The bus operators is famous for its cabin bed line: Trong Minh Bus, Nguyen Kim Bus, Phong Phu Bus.

Phong Phu Bus to Da Lat
Phong Phu Bus to Da Lat

Limousine Bus to Da Lat: A high-end bed bus, thick mattress and softer and curtains in each bed. Normally this vehicles will be about 30-34 beds. Passengers can use the curtain to create their own space, the size is quite large so that is very comfortable. The Bus operator is famous for its class: Thanh Binh Xanh Bus.

Limousine to Da Lat: Thanh Binh Xanh Bus

Reclining seat  limousine bus to Da Lat: A reclining seat bus, with a thick cushion and backrest designed. Depending on which bus company, it has from 9 to 18 seat each bus. On vehicles equipped with many facilities such as USB charger, LED light, refrigerator. Although the seat bus is not comfortable as bed bus, but the moving time pretty quickly because the compact car size. Besides that this bus also has transfer services in the city. The Bus operator is famous for its line: Minh Tri Limousine, Hoang Vu Limousine, Duc Tuan Limousine, Dan Anh Bus.

Seat Bus to Da Lat: Dan Anh Bus

– Sleep Bus to Da Lat: Normal bed bus, with about 38-45 beds each one. Average size bed, not comfortable for tall passengers. However, it has the reasonable price. With the shortest route as Saigon – Phan Rang, is also quite popular vehicles. The Bus operator is famous for its class: Thanh Binh Xanh, The Sinh Tourist, Canh Hoa Bus, Thuan Hung.

Sleep bus to Da Lat: Canh Hoa Bus
Sleep bus to Da Lat: Canh Hoa Bus

2. Compare prices carmakers (last updated March 2020)

Types of carCar’s Company Fares
Cabin BusTrong Minh350.000 VND/ ticket
Nguyen Kim399.000 VND/ ticket/ single cabin;
700.000VN / ticket/ family cabin
Phong Phu380.000 VND/ ticket
Limousine bed BusThanh Binh Xanh250.000 VND/ ticket
Seat BusMinh Tri Limousine2 seat next to driver 200.000VND/ticket; the others 300.000VND/ticket
Hoang Vu Limousine2 seat next to driver 220.000VND/ticket; the others 310.000VND/ticket
Duc Tuan Limousine2 seat next to driver 250.000VND/ticket; the others 300.000VND/ticket
Dan Anh2 seat next to driver 220.000VND/ticket; the others 300.000VND/ticket
Bed BusThanh Binh Xanh150.000 VND/ ticket
The Sinh Touristfrom 179.000 VND/ ticket, fluctuate depend on peak time or weekend
Canh Hoa200.000 VND/ ticket
Thuan Hung250.000 VND/ ticket
See more operators with the same route and the lowest ticket prices at
Bus from Sai Gon to Da Lat
Bus from Da Lat to Sai Gon